Monday, January 12, 2004

32 today!

Happy 32nd birthday LAB 320K. After spending £12.99 on a new, more powerful washer pump, I discovered it was probably everything but the pump that was at fault. The non-return valve in the tank was sticking, the pipes were badly-routed and the joints were leaking. But I'd put the new pump in by the time I discovered all this. The resulting blast of screenwash is astonishing.

Also astonishing was the fact that I needed to add 1.5litres of Miller's Classic 20/50 semi-synthetic oil to bring it up to the mark and the coolant was low by about a litre. Time for a consumption check – everything topped-up nice at 196,111 miles.

Went for a run and just got to thinking how well it was all going when the door handle came off in my hand.